Upcoming PC Games

The new PC games just don’t stop and we’re really excited about that. Many games from major studios and smaller indie developers are in the works, especially for the PC. This means that you will not be short of diverse experiences to play with for the months and years to come.

In 2021, more PC games were announced which we really enjoy. The greatest part about the PC games to come is how diverse the list is – from packed shooters, narrative adventures to loads of different options in between. Because of this, there is probably something to look forward to on PC. This is made even better by how staggeringly beautiful many of the upcoming games are and have high visual fidelity that takes advantage of powerful hardware.


Far Cry 6

Three years after the previous numbered part, Far Cry will send 6 players to Yara, an island in Cuba. This island is administered by the dictator AntÓn Castillo, portrayed by Esposito. Would it really be a Far Cry game without a weird villain? Other than that, Far Cry 6 will feature a Fangs for Hire method that will allow you to recruit allies to defeat Castillo. One of the fangs for hire is Chorizo, a dog in a wheelchair who has of course stolen the hearts of many.

Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 is set this time in Mexico and features the largest map in the series with different places, weather networks and lots to do. Most impressive is the variation in biomes like jungles, beaches, and even a volcano! Aside from the sheer size of the game, Horizon 5 will feature several different types of weather, as well as the usual four-season functions. Developers explain that they wanted to create the largest possible and most diverse experience, hence the decision to send players to Mexico in the latest adventure.

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PC games

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy

Marvel is doubling its range of games and next is Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians of the Galaxy will be entirely single player, with no many of the service materials that tend to get in the way. In this game you only take on the role of the Star-Lord, while during the fight you have control of the attacks of the other guardians. The game will also lean towards player choice, with plenty of dialogue variants presented throughout the story.


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