Everything flows – this also applies to the world cuisine. Not only the world of fashion, but also the area of food and drink is determined by constantly changing popularity that are tracked down or created by blogs or magazines. Where is the journey going? Which food trends are coming, which are being intensified, which are disappearing into oblivion?
Snackification Towards An Eating Culture
The typical three meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner lose their structural function and are being replaced by a more lighter and more mobile food variant. In particular, lunch is no longer tied to fixed times and locations, which meets the requirements of modern working life. This is the opportunity that snacks will develop into real, wholesome meals. Typical expressions for this are the the bowl, the salad buffet in the grocery or soups to take away. The three-course and the traditional roast with dumplings will still be available, but no longer at lunchtime, but more on the weekend or in the evening, where it is really celebrated and enjoyed with friends.
Food Pairing For Unlimited Enjoyment
For a few years now, there has been a trend that has not yet reached its peak: Food pairing describes mixing foods on the basis of their flavor components and thereby achieving new, sometimes great results. The basis of food pairing are scientific findings that precisely check the flavor of a food. Two foods with the same flavor profile combine well with each other.
Buy Locally and Enjoy With All Your Senses
In connection with increasing environmental awareness and the endeavor to live and consume sustainably, the regional food is consolidating. In response to the increasing globalization, consumers are relying on locally and often well produced food. Shopping at the weekly market or on the farm, at the butcher is increasingly replacing going to the next discounter. People don’t just want to consume food, they want to experience it by having a chat with the manufacturer or being able to take in the ambience of the production facility. This extends to cheese, beer brewing and workshops, where you can do something yourself.
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