Things You Need To Know About Fit To Fly Certificate

The rules for corona tests when traveling are not as complicated as you might think. While exploring is relatively straightforward, there are a few things to consider when returning from a trip abroad.

Always remember that each travel destination has its own set of rules and regulations. Therefore, find out in good time whether you need to take a test before leaving your country or after arriving in the destination country. Depending on your vaccination or recovery status, the regulations differ in most cases. If you are not or not completely vaccinated against COVID, a test is almost always required. Some countries even completely deny entry to unvaccinated travelers.

Things You Need To Know About Fit To Fly Certificate
Things You Need To Know About Fit To Fly Certificate

-Fully vaccinated or recovered travelers only need a negative PCR on departure to return to home from a variant area.

-The PCR is checked both before transport and when entering.

-Research stations early on and book an appointment in your travel country – there is not enough test ratio everywhere.

-Checks the correctness of the data on the result. If necessary, also check that the ID number is noted.

-Organizing the return journey home from the airport and ensuring the supply of food for the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

-After the quarantine expires, no further test is required.

-There is no compulsory test for children under the age of six.

If the passenger is to be transported on board a company, there must be no acute intensive care. Although a medical flight attendant can be assigned to the passenger, they only carry emergency tool and are therefore limited in what they can do.

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When Returning From High-Risk Areas

Book a test appointment at home early on, as you can check yourself out of quarantine after five days. You can leave the quarantine for a short time for the test, provided you comply with all necessary hygiene and distance rules and wear a mouth and nose protector.

If a person is considered fit to fly, he can board the flight without any complications to be expected. Existing illnesses or injuries are unlikely to be aggravated by the flight and there is no danger for fellows – for example from serious diseases or problems that can turn into risk.


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